why can't i like post on instagram

Many Instagram users are searching for a way to solve the problem of blocked account on Instagram, where the message appears like this:

your account has been temporarily blocked

This message appears when you try to like photos or add comments, or when you want to follow other's account.

The reason is not a problem with the app, but because of misuse, but That means you transgress the Instagram policies and terms of use.

What are the reasons for blocking or banning an Instagram account?

  • Quickly and repeatedly comments on photos.
  • Like photos and videos quickly and exaggeratedly in less than an hour.
  • Posting many links in the comments.
  • Follow-up a large number of accounts.
  • Send Direct Message to a large number of people in a short time.
  • Doing a login from your Instagram account via another program or application. (such as Applications to increase followers).

Allowed limits on Instagram

  • Allowable likes: Maximum 28-36 likes per minute (1,000 likes in 24 hours).
  • The maximum number of following: a maximum of 28 - 36 follow-ups per minute and not more than 200 follow-ups per hour (1,000 follow-ups at a time of 24 hours).
  • Allowable "unfollow": The limit allowed to cancel the follow-up is not more than 1000 every 24 hours.
  • Comments limit: No more than 12-14 hours per hour with an interval of 6 to 8 minutes.

    How to fix action blocked Instagram 2020

    The correct answer to this question is: Nothing!
    Instagram usually blocks the Instagram account for several hours, and during these hours you shouldn't post pictures, do not like any comment, and Do not make any comment.

    If nothing changes within two to three hours, you will have to wait for one to three days. The worst offenses take a ban of up to 5 days.

    After that, you will notice that Instagram asks you to confirm your account, as it is considered an indication of the return of the account to work.

    Pro Tip:
    when your action on blocked Instagram, wait 5 minutes and sign out and sign in aggain to your account, this method work with many users.

    Disable apps permissions on Instagram.

    If you have downloaded applications that require logging in with your Instagram account (email & password), these apps require permission to doing likes and follow and share without your approval.
    So you must stop it and delete it from your Instagram account.

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